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Adobe Premiere Pro Editar Video

  1. Adobe Premiere Pro Free
  2. Adobe Premiere Pro Video Effects

Video editing is the key part of creating your family video.

In one of my previous blog posts, I revealed why I switched from GoPro Studio post-processing software to Adobe Premiere Pro. Some of you were asking:

Cannot Edit 4K HEVC/H.265 Video in Adobe Premiere Pro Smoothly. The best video editor app will let you put video clips together to make one video without re-encoding easily - you can merge videos of different formats, batch join videos, adjust the quality. 8/10 (1919 votes) - Download Adobe Premiere Free. Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017 is the most powerful piece of software to edit digital video on your PC. Its features have made it a standard among professionals. Ever since Adobe Systems was founded in 1982 in the middle of Silicon Valley, the company.

I’ve been using GoPro Studio and want to make a switch over to Adobe Premiere but there are so many new things I don’t know about. Can you make a video kinda like a tutorial to make my transition and curving curve easier please.


These will take you through how to add the downloaded files to your videos in Premiere Pro and customize to match your desired look. Check out the full instructions on how to install a Mogrt file. Check out the full instructions on how to use a Project file. Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020 required. Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020-Beginner Video Editing Essentials If you are new to the whole world of video editing with Adobe Premiere Pro, video production, video content creation etc then this beginner video editing class will help get you started as I walk you through the basics of using Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020.

I am glad you asked, great idea, thanks! Today, I created a tutorial to help you getting started. You will see that this program is sophisticated but easy to use.

Learn How to Edit Video in 8 Minutes

I keep it short, this video tutorial has only 8 minutes. You will learn how to edit video from scratch to the end. These are the steps I do every time when editing my videos:

You should try all these steps by yourself. Do not just watch the tutorial but get your hands on. This is the best way how to learn and keep it in your head.

That’s why I prepared also a written version of the tutorial with images. You can open it on another device (smartphone?) while practicing simultaneously on your computer.

Let’s go through it step by step now.

#1 Create a New Project

Launch the program and click on New Project https://heresfil362.weebly.com/stellar-volume-optimizer-2-0-0-3.html. button on the left.

A new window opens – write any name of the project on the top. After clicking Browse, it allows you to change the folder where the project will be saved. I leave all other settings on default and click OK at the bottom.

#2 Import Video Clips

You have multiple options how to get your desired video files to Premiere Pro. The easiest way is just to drag them from your file browser, directly to the timeline (right bottom quadrant of the program).

Another way is to import the video clips through Media Browser in the program. Leica m7 serial numbers year. Go to the left bottom quadrant and switch to Media Browser tab.

You can browse through any folders and choose the particular file. Then right-click on it and select Import.

You can check back that file was imported to your project by switching to the Project tab (left from Media Browser tab).

#3 Work with Video Files in the Timeline

When I finish importing my video clips to the program I adjust the size of the timeline. I make the space for the timeline bigger by dragging its left border. This helps a lot when you work with the clips in the timeline.

Move Video Clips

The basic thing I do is organizing the clips to the desired order. I use different tools on the left side, right next to the timeline. One of the most often used is Selection Tool.

Adobe Premiere Pro Free

Go to the timeline and click on the clip which you want to move. Then simply drag it anywhere you want.

You might need another two tools for moving clips.

Track Select Forward Tool selects all video clips from the clip where you clicked to the end of the whole video. This helps if you want to move more clips all at once (just drag them to the desired place).

Track Select Backward Tool selects all clips in front of the clicked file and you can drag all of them anywhere.

Split Video Clip

If you need to split one video clip into two parts, use the Razor Tool.

Then click anywhere in the desired video clip where you want to make your cut.

Slow Motion and Fast Forward

Adobe Premiere Pro Video Effects

Right above the Razor Tool, find the Rate Stretch Tool. It stretches the particular video clip to the desired time length. Select the tool, click on the clip and drag the end of the clip.

Remember, that you need to make a space for it first if you want to make the clip longer (slow motion). Use Track Select Forward Tool to move all the clips and make the space.

After stretching the clip you will see how much the speed changed.

#4 Keyboard Shortcuts

When you want to use any tool you can just click on the particular icon in the program or use a keyboard shortcut. I recommend you the second option because it will save you a huge amount of time.

It might seem a little overwhelming to remember the shortcuts but don’t learn all of them now. Edit your videos and notice which tools you use the most often. Learn 3 or 4 shortcuts at first and start to use them frequently. Later, add more. Todoey 1 1 0.

Examples of the shortcuts for the tools I described and personally use the most often:

  • V” for Selection Tool
  • A” for Track Select Forward Tool
  • Shift + A” for Track Select Backward Tool
  • C” for Razor Tool
  • R” for Rate Stretch Tool
Tip: if you hover above your favorite tool by mouse it shows the shortcut.

#5 Adjusting the Timeline

Even more useful shortcuts are “+” and “-“. These keyboard shortcuts allows you to zoom in and zoom out in your timeline (seeing smaller or larger portion of it). It is much faster then using your mouse and trying to drag the bottom slider to make it happen.

Tip: make sure you click in the timeline space first and then press plus or minus sign on the left part of the keyboard. The signs on the right side (numerical) don’t work.

#6 Cutting Video Clips

Let’s see how to cut out the parts of the video clip which you don’t want.

Choose Selection Tool or press “V” on your keyboard. Find the place in the timeline where you want to make the cut. Then drag the end of the video clip to this desired place.

Premiere Pro will delete the not needed part of the video and create a free space in the timeline. You can remove it by clicking into this free space and pressing “Delete”.

#7 Adding Music

Import chosen music file to the project as you imported the video clips. Drag it directly to the timeline right under the video clips. Or import it through Media Browser in the left bottom part of the program.

You might need to adjust the music length or cut some parts of it out. You can cut the audio same way you cut the video. For example, I shortened my music to match the length of the video. First, I clicked on Selection Tool or pressed “V” on my keyboard. Then I dragged the end of the audio to the desired position.

#8 Transitions (Fade Out Effect)

My videos usually end with a fade out effect.

Make sure you use the Selection Tool. Then hover above the end of the video, make a right-click and choose Apply Default Transitions.

You can also adjust the length of this transition. Make a right-click on the transition and then click Set Transition Duration. Then write the desired time in seconds.

#9 Title

You might want to add a title with the name of the project or with credits at the end of the video.

Click on Title in the top menu, then New Title and Default Still…

A small window appears where I leave everything on default values and click OK.

A large window opens and here you have countless options. At the top, choose the type of the title, size, alignment etc. At the right side, you can change more advanced features, like color, shadows, contours, background and much more. In case you are overwhelmed by all these options, choose any preset you like at the bottom.

Then you need to click on the Type Tool at the top left corner.

Click to the place where you want to start writing the title. Make sure you click on the black space within the white boundaries. If you would write too much to the sides over these white lines your title might be cut.

Center your title vertically and horizontally if desired by the tools on the left side (Vertical Center and Horizontal Center).

When you finish your title, close this window by clicking the red cross at the top right corner. This will automatically import your title to the project. Now you need to drag it from Project window (left bottom quadrant) to the timeline to any place you want. This will create a title over your video.

If you need just a black screen with the title itself you need to create a space in the timeline. Use any of the tools discussed earlier, for example, Track Select Forward Tool and move all the video clips. Then place your title to the space you have just created. The title screen will look like this:

You can apply any transitions on the titles, as you applied them on video clips or audio files (right-click on the end of the title). I often add fade in effect at the beginning title or fade out effect at the end title screen.

#10 Color Correction & Color Grading

Adobe premiere pro video editing software

You might notice that the colors in your video are a bit off. They look differently in reality and in the video. For example, what was purely white is slightly yellow in the video. Or you might need to make the video darker, reduce highlights, add saturation etc.

Before you apply one correction at a time, you might want to try presets (hard work done by one click). Go to the left bottom quadrant in the program and switch to the tab Effects.

Find Lumetri Presets and here you can choose from many presets. I sometimes used, for example, Cinespace 25 (open Cinematic folder). I simply drag the effect from the left side to the desired video clip in the timeline.

If you are not satisfied with the result you can further adjust one correction at a time. At first, click on the video clip in the timeline and then go the upper left quadrant of the program. At the top of it, find the tab Effect Controls.

Find Lumetri Color in this part of the program. If you cannot see it click in the top menu on Window and switch on Lumetri Colors.

Click on Basic Correction and the first option is White Balance. This will correct the color if it is off, for example, original white is not white in the video. You can also change the overall “mood” as I showed in the video tutorial. For example, give the viewer feeling that it was cold or warm, that it was during the sunset etc. Try to move with the slider Temperature back and forth and see how the video changes.

Next useful feature is Exposure – change it if your video is too dark or too light.

I also play with Shadows, especially if I shoot during a midday and the shadows are too harsh. I often adjust also Highlights, Whites, Blacks and Saturation.

Under Basic Correction group of sliders, you can find Creative with many other options. I sometimes change Vibrance.

Tip: I recommend you to move those sliders back and forth and learn what they do with the video. Next time, you will know which one to use.

#11 Export Video

Your video is finished and waits for the last step – export.

You must click in the timeline space first. Then go to the top menu and choose: File >Export >Media

Window with Export Settings opens. Check if the Format is set to the option H.264 (for most of the regular videos).

You can change the name of the exported file and choose the location folder.

I usually leave most of the other options set to default values.

In the bottom section, I check Use Maximum Render Quality.

Finally, click on the Export button. The whole process usually takes at least several minutes depending on how long my video is.

That’s it! I recommend to start editing your video with these basic skills. For most of the videos, you will not need much more. Learn one feature at a time, if necessary. Don’t be overwhelmed by the huge amount of sophisticated options.

I plan more video editing tutorials – let me know if you are interested in some specific topic.

If you never edited video in this program, you might want to try a free trial here.

Thanks for reading and watching!

Disclosure: some of the links on this page might be affiliate links.

Premiere Pro Does Not Support Some Codecs Well

It seems that Premiere Pro supports virtually most video audio codecs and formats according to the official version. But sometimes when you import, for example, an MOV, an MKV, a GoPro Hero 7 or even an MP4 video to this editor software, it will fail, won't show up in the timeline or will play only audio but no video. See the common problems below:

  • Can't Import MKV File to Adobe Premiere Pro

    Till now, MKV has not been added to the official supported format list. Another reason is that 'can't import MKV in Premiere Pro' problem still happens every now and then, mostly for codec missing.

  • File Formats Not Supported by Premiere Pro CC

    Can't import MKV, MP4, HEVC or Hero 7 video into Premiere Pro? Check the list of formats supported and not supported by Premiere Pro. And solve the codec missing or unavailable issue by installing codec or converting video format.

  • Why Can't I Import MOV to Adobe Premiere Pro/Elements

    Your Adobe Premiere Pro or Elements won't import MOV files produced by iPhone, Canon, DJI, iMovie, Final Cut Pro, or other devices/programs? Now your issue can be fixed by the solutions here. Upgrade from el capitan to high sierra.

  • Can't Import MP4 File to Adobe Premiere Pro CC

    It is no exaggeration to say that MP4 is the most widely used video format accepted by 99% of video hosting sites, media players, and electronic devices. Adobe Premiere Pro is surely one of the supporters of MP4.

The crux of the matter is the codec and format support. For example, Adobe Premiere does not stretch for DivX, EVO, F4V, FLV, MCF, MPEG TS, OGG, RMVB video formats, and it even does not support MKV container format (with linchpin in decoding) and HEVC codec well enough. There are three different methods to troubleshoot this problem.

Three Solutions to Solve Codec/Format Issues:

  • Method 1: Get help from VideoProc, with which you can easily transcode your incompatible video audio files to that perfectly accepted by Premiere.

    Step 1. Download and install VideoProc (on your Windows or Mac PC), a streamlined and easy-to-use program that excels at converting videos and audios.

    Step 2. Double click the software icon on your computer to launch VideoProc. Click 'Video' button on the home interface, and choose '+ Video' to add one or more video files from your hard drive.

    Step 3. On the Target Format section on the lower part, select a commonly used video format and codec. Here we suggest 'MP4 H.264'.

    Step 4. Tick 'Nvidia/Intel/AMD' to take full use of Hardware Acceleration Engine. Press big RUN button and start the video conversion.

    After the mission is completed, you can get a converted file. The result file can be imported to into Adobe Premiere Pro CC for further editing without any problem

  • Method 2: Install related codec on Premiere (this method is not applied and workable to all situations).

  • Method 3: Upgrade Premiere Pro, buy the license (CC 2019 not supports H.265 XF-HEVC yet).

Part 2. Editing Large 4K/HEVC Video File is a Big Headache for Premiere Users

4K Ultra high definition is already a challenge for both hardware and software. 4K video, generally coming with high frame rate, bulky file size/bit rates and newer-generation codec, will frequently yield troubles in the process of playback and post-production. Problems arise in importing, editing and rendering when 4K video files to Adobe Premiere Pro CC.

  • [Fixed] H.265/HEVC Video Codec Missing on Adobe Premiere Pro

    In this post, you will get 3 solutions to HEVC video codec missing on Premiere Pro, see the easiest solution recommended by 85% users.

  • Fix Premiere Pro Shortened Video Length After Import

    If your Adobe Premiere Pro doesn't import the (MP4/MOV/AVI) video in full length, but shorten its time to some degree, follow this troubleshooting guide to fix it easily so that you can edit the full video with Adobe.

    A.J. McCannApril 4, 2019Not Importing Full Video
  • Cannot Edit 4K HEVC/H.265 Video in Adobe Premiere Pro Smoothly

    The best video editor app will let you put video clips together to make one video without re-encoding easily - you can merge videos of different formats, batch join videos, adjust the quality. etc.

Part 3. Quality Problems During Post-Production

Some people complain that the image quality of a video will be degraded after imported to or exported from average video editors. That is because re-encoding (which will surely lead to video quality reduction) will happen during such post-production. There are many other causes. Please find the reasons and fixes for your quality related questions.

  • Adobe Apps Are Not Working on macOS Catalina (10.15)

    Errors happen when running Adobe apps on the new macOS Catalina 10.15? Adobe admitted there may be 64 bit compatible issues.

  • Stuck by Changing Aspect Ratio in Premiere Pro? See Easy Tips Here

    If you are stuck by changing aspect ratio in Premiere Pro, you will be introduced with the most effective solutions in this post.

    Eric PascalAugust 15, 2019Change Aspect Ratio
  • How to Get Rid of Blank Video Gaps in Adobe Premiere Pro

    This post will show you 3 ways to remove blank video gaps in Adobe Premiere Pro under 3 circumstances, and one cut-without-gap software will be introduced.

  • Premiere Pro 2019 Can't Import MP4 File - Troubleshooting Steps

    .MP4 file from GoPro, DJI or iPhone doesn't import correctly in Adobe Premiere Pro? Five troubleshooting steps will help you solve the problem.

    Jordi D. RodríguezMay 16, 2019MP4
  • How to Sharpen Your Clips in Premiere Pro with These Effects

    This tutorial walks you through the steps to sharpen a video in Premiere Pro without creating jaggy looking image. Digital art software programs.

  • Variable Frame Rate A/V Sync Issue in Adobe Premiere Pro

    Those VFR footages taken by your iPhone, iPad, Camtasia, nVidia ShadowPlay, Panasonic GH5 and such may be problematic in Adobe Premiere Pro or some other non-linear editing tools, with audio and video out of sync after importing.

    A.J. McCannApril 4, 2019VFR | A/V Sync
  • Audio and Video out of Sync After Importing to Adobe Premiere Pro

    The audio and video are in sync when playing on VLC, Windows Media Player or another media player, but become out of sync after importing the file into Adobe Premiere Pro for editing.

Part 4. Idiot-Proof Guides for Premiere Beginners

Not all video editing demanders are experts. Indeed, there are a crowd of neophytes and amateurs. The guides below are all idiot proof and user friendly. You may also find some entry-level alternatives to Premiere for basic video processing without rendering.

  • How to Upscale Video to 4K or Downscale to 1080P Easily

    How to upscale video to 4K? Besides option to set to frame size and detail-preserving upscale, you can also use a video scaler to create new pixels.

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Adobe Premiere Pro Editar Video
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