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Visual Studio 2015 Image Editor

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  1. Visual Studio Code
  2. Visual Studio 2015 Image Editor Pixlr

The Visual Studio Image Editor not only works great with image files, but also understands DirectDraw Surface (DDS) texture files. Besides the basic viewing and drawing functionality, you can also toggle RGBA channels, generate mip-maps, and apply filters. This image editor is capable of accomplishing many texture editing tasks. I reset my settings - it was Tools - Import & Export Settings -Reset all settings in Visual Studio 2015. I then selected Dark Theme and created a new WPF application. When I went to the.xaml file it was white and I could put a button the white background and see it, Great BUT when I loaded up a previous project it was in a black background.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio 2015 Image Editor
  • Back in Visual Studio, we need to create a new icon image type of 16 X 16 pixels with 256 colors. Set the background color of the new icon image type. Copy the image from Microsoft Paint and paste it into the new icon image. At this point, we have the two icon image files that are necessary for what we want in an icon file.
  • Visual Studio Editor. Grayed-out Question 2 1/16/2012 3:26:15 PM 3/14/2015 5:18:49 AM Discuss and ask. The Image Editor toolbar in VS only can be used in.
  • Jun 30, 2020 Open option menu in Visual Studio (Tools - Options) Expand to IDE property set to True in ClaudiaIDE option page. Customise Visual Studio theme using color theme editor (E.g. Visual Studio 2015 Color Theme Editor) Click 'Create Copy of Theme' button, And 'Edit Theme' Customise some colors opacity as follows (your own risk): Solution Explorer.

This document explains how to create a platform-independent report that you can print, save to a file, share, and reuse in different applications.

Create a New Visual Studio Project

The core Reporting functionality does not depend on a specific application platform. You can create any application with an active DevExpress subscription.

  1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+N, or select FILE | New | Project.. in the main menu.
  1. In the New Project dialog, expand the Installed category and select a programming language (Visual C# or Visual Basic). Select Windows Desktop and choose Windows Forms App (.NET Framework).

    Specify the application name and click OK.

  1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+N, or select FILE | New | Project.. in the main menu.
  1. In the New Project dialog, expand the Installed category and select a programming language (Visual C# or Visual Basic) in the Templates section. Switch to the Windows Desktop section and select WPF Application.

    Specify the application name and click OK.

  1. Select FILE | New | Project… in the main menu or press CTRL+SHIFT+N.
  1. In the invoked New Project dialog, expand the Installed category, select a programming language (Visual C# or Visual Basic) in the Templates section, and select the DevExpress v19.2 Template Gallery.

    Specify the application name and click OK.

  2. In the invoked DevExpress Template Gallery, select Web Application With Selectable Layout under the ASP.NET MVC category and click Run Wizard.

Latest version of excel. You can also select Reporting Web Application to create an application that contains the HTML5 Document Viewer and/or Report Designer controls. See the following documents for instructions:

  1. In the DevExpress ASP.NET MVC Project Wizard, on the Choose Layout page, select Standard.
  1. Switch to the Suites page, enable the Report suite, and click Create Project.

  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio and press CTRL+SHIFT+N or click FILE | New | Project.. in the main menu.

You can also choose the Web Site option instead of Project. However, the Web Application project provides greater extensibility and easier maintenance.

  1. In the New Project dialog, expand the Installed category, select a programming language (Visual C# or Visual Basic) in the Templates section, and select ASP.NET Web Application. Specify the application name and click OK.

  2. Choose Web Forms and click OK to create the project.

Perform the following steps to create a new ASP.NET Core Web Application in Visual Studio:

  1. Create a new project (select FILE | New | Project in the main menu or press CTRL+SHIFT+N).

  2. Select the ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller) project template in the invoked New Project dialog. Specify the application name and click OK.

  3. Specify the application name and location:

  4. Select .NET Core 3.1 in the version selector drop-down list. click Create.

Add a New Report

The steps in this section are similar for all application platforms.

  1. In Visual Studio, press CTRL+SHIFT+A or select PROJECT | Add New Item.. in the main menu.

    Create the App_Code folder and select that folder to add a new item.

  2. In the invoked Add New Item dialog, click the Reporting section in the tree on the left, select the DevExpress v20.2 Report item, specify the report name (the default name is XtraReport1), and click Add.

  3. Select the report type in the invoked Report Wizard.

Select a Report Type

At this stage, you can choose a report type.

Visual Studio 2015 Image Editor Pixlr

  • Blank allows you to design a report from scratch.
  • Table Report allows you to create as configuration file.

    If you choose to save the connection string, specify its name and click Next.

  • On this page, choose which tables, views, and/or stored procedures to add to the report.

    Select the Products data table and click Next.

  • Using this page, select a data member in the left pane. Use the right pane to select the fields that should be displayed in the report.

    Click Finish.


    You can click Next to proceed to the next wizard page and continue with further report customization.

  • The Wizard creates a report and loads it in the designer. The report layout is shown below:

  • Preview a Report

    The Visual Studio Report Designer allows you to preview the report while working on it. Click the Preview Bash edit command in editor. tab to load data, create a document, and display it. If you follow the steps above to create a table report, the Preview looks like this:

    Once you are done with report design, you can perform the following tasks:

    Save a Report

    When you create a report in Visual Studio, the project contains the following files:

    WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC

    ASP.NET Core

    • code file (your_report_name.cs or your_report_name.vb)
    • designer file (your_report_name.Designer.cs or your_report_name.Designer.vb)
    • resource file (your_report_name.resx)
    • code file (your_report_name.cs)
    • designer file (your_report_name.Designer.cs) that creates a report initializer to retrieve the information from the .vsrepx file
    • report layout file (your_report_name.vsrepx) that contains information on the report structure in XML

    An exception occurs if you open a .vsrepx file in an End-User Report Designer or pass that file as a parameter for the XtraReport.LoadLayoutFromXml method. Refer to the Convert .VSREPX Files to .REPX section for more information.

    The reason for the difference is the lack of the CodeDOM provider for ASP.NET Core. The Visual Studio Report Designer in the ASP.NET project uses a custom editor to load report definition files. The editor is based on the full .NET framework. This complicated design allows us to launch the integrated designer with limitations.

    If you upgrade from previous versions of DevExpress controls, your project may contain .repx files that store report layouts (instead of .vsrepx files). These files are supported at runtime.

    To save a report, click the report's smart tag (a button in the upper left corner of the Designer window) and select Save..:

    In the invoked Save As dialog, specify the name of the .repx file.

    After a report is saved, you can open it with the report's smart tag Open/Import.. action:

    To transfer a report created in Visual Studio Designer from one project to another, follow the steps below:

    1. Save a report to REPX.
    2. Open your project in Visual Studio and create a new report.
    3. Open the newly created report in the Visual Studio Designer, click the report smart tag and select Open/Import.. to load the REPX file saved in step 1.

    In code, use the XtraReport.SaveLayoutToXml method to save the .repx file and the XtraReport.LoadLayoutFromXml method to load the report. Note that the LoadLayoutFromXml accepts only .repx files but throws an exception on .vsrepx files.

    For more information on methods and formats used to save the reports, review the following help topic: Store Report Layouts and Documents.

    Convert .VSREPX Files to .REPX

    When you use Visual Studio IDE to create a report from an item template, the report is stored in .VSREPX files in .NET 5 or .NET Core 3.x projects. The following exception is thrown when you pass a .VSREPX file to a report's LoadLayoutFromXml method or open this file in an End-User Report Designer:

    You cannot use the LoadLayoutFromXml method to open a VS Report Designer's internal working file. Use the Save command in the Visual Studio Report Designer to create a standard report template (REPX) file.

    To address this issue, convert the file to REPX. as follows:

    Design time (VS Designer)Runtime (in code)
    Open the .vsrepx file in the Visual Studio Report Designer and save the report to a file in .repx format.Call the XtraReport.SaveLayoutToXml method to produce a .repx file.

Visual Studio 2015 Image Editor
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